Volunteer Provides Free Drug Education To Help Combat Rising Drug Overdose Deaths

Drug-Free World Florida chapter is offering free virtual presentations on the Truth About Drugs to anyone who would like to educate youth and get informed.

CLEARWATER, FL, USA, July 16, 2020 — As drug overdose deaths are rising in the USA during the COVID-19 pandemic I, the President for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World (FDFW) Florida chapter, Ms. Julieta Santagostino, am offering free webinar presentations on the Truth About Drugs to anyone in the community who would like to educate their kids or learn how to talk to kids about drugs.

Ms. Julieta Santagostino, President of Foundation for a Drug-Free World Florida chapter, giving virtual presentation on the Truth About Drugs.

Ms. Santagostino, who has volunteered with the FDFW since 2007, has done hundreds of presentations all over Florida to educate youth and teachers on the Truth About Drugs.

Per the CDC, in 2018 there were over 67,000 drug overdose deaths in the USA. ii

“Drug education is so important in the prevention of drug abuse,” said Ms. Santagostino. “We can save lives and that is worth all the effort.”

Additionally, the Foundation for a Drug-Free World provides free drug education materials to anyone who would like to inform themselves or others on the facts about drugs. This includes 14 different information booklets on the most commonly abused drugs and a documentary “Real People Real Stories.” FDFW also offers free online courses utilizing the booklets and videos.

To sign up for a free course go to: https://www.drugfreeworld.org/course/

Anyone who would like more information or request a webinar can direct message Ms. Santagostino on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/drugfreeworldflorida (@drugfreeworldflorida) or email at info.fl@drugfreeworld.org

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World:

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a non-profit organization that educates youth and the community on the truth about illicit drugs so they can make the right decision to live drug-free. The Church of Scientology is a sponsor of the program making it possible for the Foundation to provide educational materials at no cost to educators, law enforcement and the community.


ii https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html